It’s the end of July and many of us still have well over a month of hot days ahead of us. Air-conditioning use is through the roof and helps us handle heatwaves but also uses a lot of energy, increases household bills, and is dehydrating. But how else can you cool off a bit without invading your neighbor's pool?

Some herbs and spices can help you feel cooler. You are probably familiar with how aloe can ease the pain of a sunburn or how mint patties can be refreshing, but there are other herbs that can cool you off a bit. We've listed a few of them, as well as some recipes that use them. (See also: Best Summer Herbs and Their Benefits,)

potted aloe vera plantAloe vera. We often think of aloe vera as a soothing gel to use on our skin to help reduce the effects of sunburn, but using it in meals and snacks can also help you feel cooler. One of the easiest ways to ingest aloe is to drink its juice and pulp, but it's not the most tasty option. Try mixing it with mint and cranberry soda with a bit of honey, or adding fresh fruits like apples, pears, or peaches.

Recipe: Healthy Double Chocolate Cashew and Aloe Ice Cream

Our products containing aloe

Cardamom. We usually consider cardamom more of a spice than an herb, but it is often used in Ayurvedic medicines for various ailments. It enhances the flavor of food but also helps boost your metabolism. It can help to lower body heat so you feel cooler and energized. You can chew it, drink it in water, or add as a spice to your meals

Recipe: Summer Cherry-Berry Fruit Salad

Our products containing cardamom

Coriander. In the U.S., coriander is called cilantro, but the seeds are referred to as coriander. Internationally, both the plant and seeds are coriander. It is not only cooling but also has several antioxidants that help in fighting damage from free radicals. Add coriander to your diet by drinking it in water or adding it to boost flavor in your food.

Recipe: Coconut Coriander Cooler (Cocori Cooler)

Our products containing coriander

Mint. We all know that mint is a cooling herb – just think of those York Peppermint Patties commercials. Summer is the best time to grow mint, so if you don’t have any grab a pot and plant some! Just remember to keep it contained because it will otherwise take over your garden. Mint can also help prevent heat stroke while it detoxifies your body. A few different ways to ingest it include chewing three or four leaves, drinking mint lemonade, or drinking iced mint water. 

Recipe: Kale Pineapple Mint Smoothie

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large dark wood spoon holding bits of licorice root on lighter wood bacgroundMulethi (licorice). A popular herb to ease cold symptoms, mulethi offers a cooling sensation to your throat as you chew it, and is available in most stores. You can chew on sticks or pieces, drink the powdered version mixed in water, or drink tea prepared from boiling a stick. 

Recipe: Homemade Salty Black Licorice

Our products containing mulethi

flowering tulsi (aka holy basil) plant against dark background

Tulsi (holy basil). Tulsi is often called “holy basil” because it has been revered by people of both the Hindu and Christian faiths. Part of the mint family, there are over 100 varieties of Tulsi in the world. Some of the best ways to absorb its cooling effect are chewing three or four leaves daily and drinking hot or iced tulsi tea (preferably without milk).

Recipe: Pitta Balancing Hibiscus Tulsi Cooler

Our products containing tulsi

We hope these tips will help you cool off a bit on the hot days still ahead, and that you try some of the recipes we've included.