Ancient Ayurveda practices are all about balance. When we don’t care for our bodies, we become out of balance, resulting in exhaustion, stress, and even disease. In the Western world, we excel at being out of balance—too much caffeine, fat, sugar in our diets, not enough physical activity, and working ourselves too hard. Summer can be incredibly challenging for our bodies putting us far out of balance with the heat and constant activities. The answer? Balance your Pitta this Summer.


In Ayurveda, Pitta translates as heat and fire—the last thing we want on hot summer days. The Pitta dosha is the heat energy in the body that manifests itself in your metabolism. Eat foods to balance your Pitta, including carrots, asparagus, bitter leafy greens, fennel, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, etc. green beans. These vegetables can be made extra delicious with Ayurvedic spices in small quantities such as turmeric, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, and cardamom. Basmati rice is an excellent source of whole grains that can help restore balance and aid digestion. Explore ways to support your digestive system and keep your skin cool and moisturized to help return balance to the body.


And think cool drinks over warm or hot. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, drink cool liquids like water and fresh juices (worried about sugar content? Dilute the juice with cool water). With your Pitta in balance and your body’s fire naturally cooled, you are on your way to a more comfortable and balanced summer.