The ancient Ayurvedic proverb says, ‘A healthy outside, starts from inside. Eat well, Live well.'

Carrot milk is full of antioxidants and offers nutritional benefits like various vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, G, K), protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and balances all the doshas. It is excellent as a to-go drink to remain fueled all day long or for the kids that would hesitate to eat raw ingredients.

This recipe is very easy to make, with five main household ingredients, and offers excellent health benefits.


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  • Balances Vata and Kapha, relieving anxiety and stress.
  • Great immune booster with loads of antioxidants.
  • Treats Vitamin A deficiency and protects the liver.
  • Beta-carotene and plant-flavonoids boost liver functions.
  • Strengthens cardiac muscles.
  • Treats piles and controls blood pressure.


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  • Balances Kapha (cough) disorder by removing excessive mucus accumulation.
  • Builds immunity and persistence to treat cold and cough.
  • Provides various antioxidants like:
    • > Flavonoids – Reduces inflammation and reduces the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer’s.
    • > Carotenoids – Promotes heart health, reduces macular degeneration, and protects from eye-related disorders.
    • > Phenolic acid – Anti-inflammatory and lowers the risk of heart disease.
  • Rich in fiber, vitamin B6, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, copper, and iron.
  • Promotes bowel movements and controls blood sugar.


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  • Balances all the doshas promoting Ojas – Perfect health with a balanced spiritual mindset.
  • Boosts intestinal movements.
  • Acts as a coolant for body and mind.
  • Great for bone strength – prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures.
  • Rich in nutrients like vitamins B and D, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and protein.


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  • Energy booster and produces ojas.
  • Skinless almonds control pitta and improvise digestion and metabolism.
  • Rich source of antioxidants, magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin E – helpful in neurological health.
  • It contains dietary fiber and promotes maintaining cholesterol, blood sugar, and a healthy weight.


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  • Strengthens intestines and improves metabolism.
  • If consumed with milk, it reduces body weakness and boosts energy.
  • Reduces inflammation in the urinary bladder.
  • Excellent in healing muscle strain, tendons, and pre-menstrual cramps.


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  • Tri-doshic spice that balances vata-pitta-kapha.
  • Controls high blood pressure.
  • Useful for gastric ulcers and digestion.
  • Protects against cavity-causing bacteria


  • Eight seedless dates 
  • Ten Skinless almonds
  • One tsp chopped almonds
  • Six small carrots
  • Two cups boiled milk (Plant-Based milk can be used for vegan option)
  • Half tsp cardamom powder
  • Two tsp Jaggery powder (can be substituted with honey or sugar)


  • Soak dates and almonds in warm water for 20-25 minutes separately.
  • Chop carrots into small pieces and grind them.
  • Mix grounded carrots with soaked dates and almonds. Add leftover water from dates and almonds to the mixture. Blend it till it becomes a purée.
  • Mix puree with boiled milk and cook it at medium flame for ten minutes while stirring constantly.
  • Add cardamom powder and let it cook for five minutes.
  • Turn off the heat flame and add jaggery powder and mix well.
  • Let it cool and garnish with chopped almonds to serve.